Sunday, July 24, 2011


 ~[ Day 24: Idol that isn't your favorite but you still think is really good? ]~

I would give that award to Maimi.

Maimi was never my favorite member of C-ute, but I always thought she was really good at singing and dancing.  I really like her voice, and she also has a nice body.  She has a very sweet smile and knows how to handle her role as leader.  Maimi also has a very subtle personality, meaning that she always speaks in a rather soft voice, but always is in a good mood which is what I like about her.

Maimi is also a very hard worker.  I can see how hard she worked in her Black Angels movie, and you can see the effort that she puts into any concert or PV that's made.  She takes a lot of time to perfect the task that she is given, which is why I also think she is a good leader.  I've also noticed that she has a very cute and warm relationship with the other members of C-ute, which I find really endearing.


  1. Portuguese > english
    Amei o post MAIMI uhu!!!!
    amo ela♥♥ ela fica linda de cabelo curtinho...

    CUIDADO: a Riho pode puxar seu pé a noite

  2. Mellka: Glad you liked the post! Took some thinking XD and omg Riho will not pull my foot at night.
