Thursday, August 25, 2011

Crazy Momusu PV's

Previews were released of Morning Musume's 47th single Kono Chikyuu something, and that other A-side, Something Something Sayumi lead.

These. PVs. Are. Cracked. Out.

but they're awesome.
Wakey-wakey! Oh em gee so cute.

Lol, I WISH I could get dressed and look perfect like that every morning.
I also wish I had a closet that lead into outer space.

Oh hai Sayumi-sama -faints-

Oh I didn't forget about Aichan.

Or Gaki

Hey someone's missing...

"Hai guise, still can't walk so i'll just watch u guyz dance from up here kthnxbye."

Oh em gee Aika. Even as a cripple u so lovely.


Lol wat iz dis flying lipgloss shiz.

Oh now it makes sense. /not at all

Who doesn't dream of Reina?

Oh em gee wat is going on. That's Reina's body btw.

Well alright...


Alright I'm done here.

Aika: "I be foolin yu all cuz I really ain't walkin hur hur."

Aika: "Dis be mah cripple cloud, I be chillin."

Time to make like Zukki and fly away.
 Oh lawd.


  1. i think you just made the pvs even better

  2. OMG they're dancing on Rainbow Road from Mario Kart my life is now complete!! XD

    But really these videos look soo crazy and fun! I can't wait to see the full versions! ^^

    I loved all your Aika commentary. XD

  3. Thanks everyone XDD

    And OMG I thought the same thing about the Rainbow Road!! HAHAHA
